Income Tax Day Run 2017-Noida

In: Work

Income Tax Department has decided to start celebration of its Annual Income Tax Day by an active participation in running event to appeal all the citizens of India to contribute to Nation Building by making tax contributions on time.

PikuSports organize ‘Income Tax Day Run’ for the Income Tax Employees (Government of India) on 24th July 2017 at Jaypee Hospital, Sector-128, Noida.

Hello world!

In: Blog, Mobile Templates, Webdesign

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mattis sollicitudin dolor, vitae volutpat dui. Cras tincidunt imperdiet auctor. Aliquam cursus dui sed tempus rhoncus. Donec fermentum, odio at blandit semper, nunc lorem viverra lorem, non rhoncus lectus magna id diam. Quisque interdum eros a turpis luctus, rutrum tempus nisi tincidunt. Sed eleifend pulvinar lacus, at posuere ligula bibendum sit amet. Donec tempus et risus congue tempus. Continue reading “Hello world!”

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